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Erin's Blog

The place where you can find my thoughts on metal health, motherhood and finding a tree change for your psychology or mental health business. 

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doctor erin

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18 Months Off Social Media

First up If you prefer to listen or watch, I’ve chatted about this topic on the podcast and YouTube channel. It’s been over 18 months since I quit social media. I’ve been reflecting on where I think social media use fits within discussions about perinatal mental health.  There’s a phrase that’s used in trauma therapy sometimes – “don’t ask […]

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I’m Erin.
Clinical Psychologist, Author, Business Mentor, Course Creator, Educator, Supervisor, Podcaster, Mum (to tiny humans, dogs & chicken divas). Slight Overachiever. 
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yes please!

Here is the (sweaty, tired) face of someone who has finalized the edits for her second book, Social media detox for mums. I’ve still got typesetting, legal, promotions, recording for Audible and a million other things to finalise, but I’ll have a cover reveal with a release date soon. Weirdly, this isn’t what I wanted. It’s […]

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Dr Erin Bowe visibility coaching introverts

Six months since quitting social media: insights Can you believe it’s 6 months since I quit social media? Here’s a few quick insights and an update on what I’m up to. Ant to listen instead? You can do that HERE  Overall, most people have been intrigued and inspired by my decision to quit. I’ve gained […]

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When you think you don’t know what you’re doing (with your business, with your kids or anything else) I want you to remember “Who Jackie?” If you’re not familiar this phrase, allow me to indoctrinate you into one of my favourite pop culture references. Prefer to listen? Episode 09 of my new Mum As You Are podcast […]

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Dr Erin Bowe social media detox mums

First up, if you’d rather listen to this one? Episode 4 of my new podcast is less than 10 minutes.I was never allowed to watch the Simpsons as a kid. When I was 10 or so we got a new fridge (a Simpson) I drew a picture of the Simpsons family as fridges (hilarious) and proudly […]

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Dr Erin Bowe social media detox

Last weekend our family indulged in one of our lockdown rituals – a therapeutic burn off. Fallen leaves, dead branches get tidied up with a  bonfire and then we toast marshmallows. We’d run out of bread for sandwiches for lunch, so I created some novelty by making Quesadillas instead. When my 3 year old was trying […]

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Dr Erin Bowe author

This week I thought I’d give you a peak into what marketing looks like for me without social media. When More Than a Healthy Baby came out last December there was no launch. No in person events, and I’ve yet to see a copy in an actual bookstore. We were primarily focussed on social media marketing, and I […]

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Halfway through this detox/pause or whatever we are calling it. Time to check in. This email is a little longer…grab a cuppa So I re-took the DASS – a screening tool that asks you about symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in the last 7 days. It’s not a complete diagnostic assessment tool, yes administering […]

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I’m at the two week mark of my social media pause. Surprisingly I really don’t miss social media all that much, but I’ve been a bit ‘twitchy’ this past week.As I delve further into the book I’m reading on Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport I’m noticing a few rookie mistakes I’ve made about this process. I’ve been […]

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I’m one week into my social media pause. Here’s some of my insights about how I’m feeling and the HUGE results I’ve seen in my business and finances so far: Last Friday, something seriously freaky happened. I woke up feeling some acceptance and a tiny bit of trust. Alright universe I’ll trust you. That this […]

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Birth trauma

On the Air

Mum as You Are Podcast

Mum as You are is my bite sized, unfancy and unplanned podcast. In weekly episodes of 15 minutes or less, I share a roadmap for finding your way back to self-compassion. 

LIsten in

My Services

I specialise in birth trauma and perinatal mental health. I also write books, create courses & provide clinical supervision & business mentoring.


Gemini, INFJ, & 'Rebel' Tendency Type,  I break moulds (& wine glasses) often 

As a psychologist + entrepreneur, I’m the ultimate business coach & mentor. I use a compassion-focussed approach to inspire all the “I wonder” questions. Like, “am I actually having any fun with my business and mothering?”, and “do I really need to hustle & push so hard?"

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 I love getting pen pals!  Slow down, breathe & delight in my random, whimisical stories.