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Erin's Blog

The place where you can find my thoughts on metal health, motherhood and finding a tree change for your psychology or mental health business. 

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doctor erin

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Therapists: The real reason people buy from you

How often are you catching yourself in your own BS beliefs? This morning, I was looking for an old newsletter I’d written a few years ago on the topic of blocking beliefs. It began with:  An old chestnut that’s been coming up in mentoring this week is the blocking belief that “I can’t create something […]

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I’m Erin.
Clinical Psychologist, Author, Business Mentor, Course Creator, Educator, Supervisor, Podcaster, Mum (to tiny humans, dogs & chicken divas). Slight Overachiever. 
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Get My Passive Income Guide 
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Dr Erin Bowe psychologist

Does your website align with your vision? What do I mean by this?  Imagine your goal is to reduce your 1:1 therapy (or even phase out of it) by offering lush weekend retreats in a tropical location somewhere. Maybe you’ve told your partner and your best friend that this is the dream. You’ve got inspirational […]

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visibility fears

Whenever a teacher said “and now we’re going to play a fun game!” Did you too instantly feel sick in the pit of your stomach thinking “I’m not fooled. This is probably not going to be fun”  I see you… trying to sell a product or service to your people and grow and audience and you’re also procrastinating […]

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Dr Erin Bowe visibility coaching introverts

Recently I was chatting to Dr Renee White from the Science of Motherhood. Renee mentioned how she’s a visual person and sees core moments in life as coloured orbs – much like in the movie Inside Out. As I was listening to our podcast episode yesterday, I had my own ‘ooh that’s a core memory […]

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Dr Erin Bowe perinatal business coaching

Who doesn’t love to have a sticky beak into what other people struggle with in business? One of my favourite things about coaching women through setting up a new perinatal business is that we can quickly catch sabotaging. When you’re on your own, you often miss or ignore all the little sneaky things that you’ll […]

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I guess if you want a short answer, then the word I’d use is ‘paro’. I’ve discussed this helpful word before. It refers to the feeling we all get that somehow whatever choices we make will be wrong. The beautiful visual explanation for it again is here Daily life as a mum can feel like self-care […]

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more than a healthy baby birth trauma

“I don’t know why I didn’t fight back” “I don’t know why I just stood there and watched my partner held down” “I agreed to so much stuff I didn’t really agree to because they said “well, you don’t want to end up with a dead baby” “I wanted to say something. I knew what […]

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When Positive Psychology gets watered down it can sometimes come across as unachievable or even cruel

This week on the podcast I’m talking about toxic positivity and explaining a bit more about cruel optimism

I’ll be honest and say that one of the reasons I decided to leave Instagram (and all social media) wasn’t just the daily negative click-bait, but also the daily pom pom shakes from the positivity police.

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First up If you prefer to listen or watch, I’ve chatted about this topic on the podcast and YouTube channel. It’s been over 18 months since I quit social media. I’ve been reflecting on where I think social media use fits within discussions about perinatal mental health.  There’s a phrase that’s used in trauma therapy sometimes – “don’t ask […]

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learn to build an online course psychologist

Four years ago I never could have dreamed that I knew enough to teach other people how to make and sell online courses. Four years ago, today I was just an exhausted mum with a good idea that I simply couldn’t wait to create. I sat down in a cleared corner of my office, drank half a […]

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  I’ve spent the past week trying to get a new veggie garden in. I’d love to show you a finished product, but it’s one of those projects that has its own time frame. When we moved into our house six years ago, I noticed the existing veggie patch was positioned in possibly the worst […]

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Dr Erin bowe Psychologist

I’m not one of those people who feels it’s ‘weird’ to give your child the same name as a pet. I figure people name their kids after important people in their family all the time – it might as well be someone you like! So, yeah, my first daughter is named after a golden retriever. […]

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Dr Erin Bowe psychologist

It’s that time of year again. A month until ‘Bowe week’ – the crazy week in my family where we ended up with our wedding anniversary, plus the two kids’ birthdays all falling within the same 7 days. No, I didn’t plan it that way! My oldest daughter’s birthday is a month before Christmas, and […]

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Dr Erin Bowe Psychologist

First up, if you want to listen to this week’s thoughts, you can do that on the Mum As You Are podcast HEREI’ve recently had a few people ask me about visibility – how do you show up to be authentic without getting too personal? Without all the 1990s sleepover vibes where you just know that if […]

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Dr Erin Bowe

A version of this week’s blog is on Episode 14 of the Mum as You Are podcast HERE  I have a slightly shameful secret. I don’t like baby showers. So much so, that I refused to have my own. In my girls’ baby books there is literally a blank section where I’ve written ‘sorry, it’s not […]

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First up, no, this is not a pregnancy story!Instead, I’m going to share with you my terrifying experience with a doll in the Eighties. A story my Mum brings up any chance she can get.It was 1988 and I was five years old. There’s an ad for a sweet, crawling doll who cries when she […]

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Dr Erin Bowe

For all of you who have done business coaching with me before and heard me stay “don’t waste time agonizing over your website”….here, you can hold my drink while I eat this hat.I don’t usually work in the school holidays, but I’m itching to do some much needed catch up so decided to work FOR my business […]

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Birth trauma

On the Air

Mum as You Are Podcast

Mum as You are is my bite sized, unfancy and unplanned podcast. In weekly episodes of 15 minutes or less, I share a roadmap for finding your way back to self-compassion. 

LIsten in

My Services

I specialise in birth trauma and perinatal mental health. I also write books, create courses & provide clinical supervision & business mentoring.


Gemini, INFJ, & 'Rebel' Tendency Type,  I break moulds (& wine glasses) often 

As a psychologist + entrepreneur, I’m the ultimate business coach & mentor. I use a compassion-focussed approach to inspire all the “I wonder” questions. Like, “am I actually having any fun with my business and mothering?”, and “do I really need to hustle & push so hard?"

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 I love getting pen pals!  Slow down, breathe & delight in my random, whimisical stories.