
How does one cite baby sharks lyrics exactly?

February 10, 2022

I recently engaged the services of a lawyer (sorry to incite terror so early on, but it will dissipate soon, I promise!). Much to my surprise and delight it was actually kind of fun.
My upcoming book, social media detox for mums is pretty heavy on pop culture references. Everything from Baby Shark, Patti Smith, Tom Waits to Little Britain and M&Ms.
It’s a world away from academic referencing and even writing medico-legal reports for court (which I did for several years).
The law on copyright and ‘fair use’ for commercial use is somewhat complex, so I hired someone to help me with it. For about a week before I stressed about how much it was going to cost, if I was going to get sued and so on.
In the end, it was hands down the most fun I think I’ve ever had working with a lawyer. And, it was way less expensive than I thought it was going to be.
‘If it’s not fun, then don’t do it anymore.’
It’s a phrase I find myself saying to my kids often, and something I put in my new book.
While, yes, not everything in life can be fun, sometimes we continue with activities without even stopping to consider if (a) we need it, or (b) it is actually true fun.
In 2014, researchers found that people would rather administer themselves an electric shock than to sit alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes.
This is why I’m calling you to consider if you’re actually having true fun in your work.
Fun isn’t something that’s in most psychology textbooks. It’s not studied often and it rarely appears in articles about emotion.
I’m reading a book at the moment called The Power of Fun
In the book, author Catherine Price, talks about how she searched Pubmed (an academic database) for ‘fun’ the top hit was this : putting the fun in funghi
An article on toeail fungus.
It seems psychologists are literally missing out on fun, and it brings me to another quote I love:
You can’t be what you can’t see. Marian Wright Edelman
I want you to consider if you’re having fun in your business right now? I’ll return to Catherine Price’s book for a good definition here.
Fun is:
When all these things co-occur it’s true fun
When I think about the guiding principles for how I help people and finding meaning in my work, these three things are what I keep coming back to. With my writing, my business mentoring and the courses I create.
My calendar is now open for 3 days a week. I’ve only ever worked 1-2 days for maybe the last 7 years. If you’ve been wanting to book in and find a supervisor/mentor who values fun then you can do that HERE
Soulful Strategy will re-open in April. I’ll announce more about that soon.
I’m aiming to get the podcast Mum as You Are back for Season 2 soon 🙂
Social Media Detox for Mums is close to having an official launch date, but there’s still some behind the scenes stuff to finalize.
Go slow and steady. Put fun on your values list when you’re thinking about planning your day.
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As always, thank you for reading and sharing. Sitting down to write my weekly email is one of the true highlights of my work week 🙂


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Mum as You Are Podcast

Mum as You are is my bite sized, unfancy and unplanned podcast. In weekly episodes of 15 minutes or less, I share a roadmap for finding your way back to self-compassion. 

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I specialise in birth trauma and perinatal mental health. I also write books, create courses & provide clinical supervision & business mentoring.


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