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The place where you can find my thoughts on making global change in the world and entrepreneurship as a therapist. If you're looking for a tree change from your 1:1 client work, this is the place for inspo, support and validation.
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doctor erin
Do you want to hear about one of the regrets I have in my career as a Psychologist? It’s about the time I accepted a referral for a child in what was a rather non-child centered practice. In my defense, he was 10 and I thought I *might* get away with not needing anything beyond […]
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We all have weird thoughts. Really, honestly, we all do. 90 percent of all new parents will have intrusive thoughts. They stem from the fact that we are biologically wired to scan for danger and keep our babies safe. Take a breath and some comfort in knowing you’re not alone if you’re only just learning […]
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Last week I shared a few thoughts about EMDR for birth trauma. Seeing as though this topic comes up a lot as well, I thought I’d cover birth debriefs this week. Is something I answer weekly emails about, and it’s covered in my birth trauma training for birth workers course, but I thought it might […]
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“When the alarm bell of the emotional brain keeps signaling that you are in danger, no amount of insight will silence it.” ― Bessel A. van der Kolk EMDR is the approach I like to use when it’s clear that trauma symptoms are persisting and someone is struggling to cope with intrusive thoughts, memories and bodily sensations from birth trauma. For […]
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“I don’t know why I didn’t fight back” “I don’t know why I just stood there and watched my partner held down” “I agreed to so much stuff I didn’t really agree to because they said “well, you don’t want to end up with a dead baby” “I wanted to say something. I knew what […]
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I’m attempting to keep it brief this week. My new book, Social Media Detox for Mums is out this week – Feb 2nd. This week on my Mum as You Are podcast, I’ve spent 10 minutes summarizing the book – what you can expect to find, what sort of tools I recommend and generally what […]
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Firstly, if you’re visual and prefer to see the book covers I mention, or you want to listen while doing something else, you can find the corresponding posts on my podcast and YouTube channel. I’ve been feeling the call to share my books lately. Here’s a list of books that have helped me find peace, validation and a slow, […]
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I’ll admit that I still don’t know how to find balance in running a business when it’s school holidays. I figure other people struggle with that too, so I wanted to add something to the conversation. Something other than: “get up earlier!”, “work when your kids nap” or “just get someone to watch the baby”. None […]
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I’m writing this as my husband is attempting to get our kids ready for the park so I can catch a break. It’s possible to love being home with your kids during the holidays and yet feel and utterly overstimulated, and a bit like we’re back in lockdown. I read some statistic the other day […]
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As an author, psychologist and Mum I find that a lot of my meaningful, life changing reads come from other people’s reading lists. With that in mind, I thought I’d do a brief run down of the books I read this year. You’ll see in this list that I mostly read non-fiction. Mostly because I’m […]
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I grew up in a house where there were lots of books, but not much in the category of spiritual, self-development or ‘woo’. Somewhere along the line, a friend or work colleague must have loaned or gifted my mother a copy of Wayne Dyer’s 1989 book ‘you’ll see it when you believe it’. This must […]
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Personally, the most memorable business lessons I’ve learned have come from women who have been open about the messy parts of their business. Failed launches, cash flow issues, investments that didn’t pay off, rejections from publishers. This week I launched The Mess Behind the Success podcast. A place where therapists come together to normalise failure and […]
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Need a confidence boost? Being able to express your ideas with conviction is a valuable business tool, but in over 10 years of working in my own business now, I can guarantee you this: You are going to have days where all you do is cry because things aren’t going well for whatever reason. I suggest […]
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I was talking to Elly Tomkins the other day. We’ve bonded over our shared interests in being Disruptors – women who trained as psychologists but whose businesses don’t fit what people expected of us. We were talking about self-doubt and where it stems from. I can easily identify one my origin stories and thought I’d […]
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How often are you catching yourself in your own BS beliefs? This morning, I was looking for an old newsletter I’d written a few years ago on the topic of blocking beliefs. It began with: An old chestnut that’s been coming up in mentoring this week is the blocking belief that “I can’t create something […]
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Does your website align with your vision? What do I mean by this? Imagine your goal is to reduce your 1:1 therapy (or even phase out of it) by offering lush weekend retreats in a tropical location somewhere. Maybe you’ve told your partner and your best friend that this is the dream. You’ve got inspirational […]
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On the Air
Mum as You are is my bite sized, unfancy and unplanned podcast. In weekly episodes of 15 minutes or less, I share a roadmap for finding your way back to self-compassion.
I specialise in birth trauma and perinatal mental health. I also write books, create courses & provide clinical supervision & business mentoring.
Gemini, INFJ, & 'Rebel' Tendency Type, I break moulds (& wine glasses) often
As a psychologist + entrepreneur, I’m the ultimate business coach & mentor. I use a compassion-focussed approach to inspire all the “I wonder” questions. Like, “am I actually having any fun with my business and mothering?”, and “do I really need to hustle & push so hard?"
Life is too short for 'meh' marketing emails.
A writer at heart, I want you to feel seen, supported & entertained ;)
Your weekly antidote to self-doubt, overthinking & imposter fears