
tools for your visibility bingo card 

visibility fears

February 2, 2024

Whenever a teacher said “and now we’re going to play a fun game!”

Did you too instantly feel sick in the pit of your stomach thinking “I’m not fooled. This is probably not going to be fun” 

I see you… trying to sell a product or service to your people and grow and audience and you’re also procrastinating and staying stuck in a story. 

My six year old get herself stuck in a vortex of huge emotions yesterday. First day of school holiday care and she said over and over “it’s not going to be fun!” “I want to stay home where I am com-fart-able!!!!”

Relatable. I did my best to explain negativitiy bias. To dig for 5 examples where school care has, in fact, been fun, or at least manageable. 

If marketing gives you the ‘icks’ and trying to be visible brings up all your “I’m not enough” and “this is really uncomfortable” stuff, then break it down into what’s manageable.

Clear your mindset first. See if you can find 5 (even 3!) examples of putting yourself out there to be visible and the outcome was positive. 

You don’t need to show up in every single place 

You don’t need to be on every platform 

You don’t need everyone to like you and say yes. I heard this phrase the other day – sometimes rejection is protection. 

Choose ONE place and start there. 

Cross one or just a few things off your Bingo card: 

1. Post a new blog post 

2. Add a funnel underneath your blog posts  

(learn how to do that if you don’t know how to make a funnel) 

3. Create a FAQ page for your website 

4. Make sure you have an email signature that links to your stuff. It might be a blog post, your calendar, anything. Just have somewhere to send people 

5. Create a “free resources” page on your website that links to your courses, funnels and whatever else you have (but make sure the majority of content is actually useful, not just a list of stuff you sell). You can see an example of mine here. This is where you will send people when they say they can’t afford you, aren’t ready to commit or they want to pick your brain on something for free 

6. Ask. Ask someone to share your stuff and you share in return 

7. Sign up for Source botttle or similar media call out services and spend a few minutes each week actively looking for relevant media call outs 

8. Have a media kit. Or update your media kit (mine needs an update!). This is somewhere to send people when they need your bio or photos. People will 100% still email you asking to upload a photo and bio, but it’s nice to have one link to send them 

9. Reach out to 5 relevant podcasts and ask to be a guest. Be SUPER clear on how it’s going to be of value to listeners. Be clear the show is a good fit. I’m still trying to figure out how on earth someone thought their male basketballer client was a fit for Mum as You Are. They clearly had’t listened to the podcast, understaood my audience or even bothered to notice that I don’t interview guests on the show.

10. Research your top SEO term­­s relevant to your business and offerings

I know it might seem boring or hard to get your head around but you need to understand what people are typing into Google in order to find you. You want to imagine your ideal client as standing in dark looking for the lighthouse – they yell ‘Marco!’ into Google and you want to be the ‘Polo!’ that they receive back 

11. Ask ChatGPT for improvements to your website, based on your client avatar

(you need the paid version to upload screen shots, but you could do this for a one off $20 fee).

Seem manageable?

If you want to chat about anything related to visibilty and business I have a few 15 minute spots in the calendar

I’ll be advertising for the beta version of my visibility coaching soon. I’m also looking at the possibility of helping women clear some of this visibility fear stuff with EMDR. Watch this space

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