I hope this week’s blog/email is finding you well. Nothing fancy this week – but a strong visual to inspire and entertain you. A reminder that small encouragers are everywhere, even if things feel a bit shit.
I wrote this one last week knowing that another lockdown for Victoria was coming (and that I’ve have limited work time this coming week).
When I pulled the blinds up this morning I was eye level with the local neighborhood Eastern Grey kangaroo. Tattered ear, blind in one eye, but still going strong.
He visits our yard often and has become a comfortable reminder of strength and being grounded. He’s not at all phased by humans, and while I would never walk up to him, sitting as close as this through the window with his brown eyes looking into mine for a moment was magical.
His eyelashes are length of my little finger. His back paws look longer than the length of my forearm. He sat on the deck under cover taking a little shelter from the rain.
He stayed all morning, leisurely trimming the grass. Not a care in the world.