
Books for slow, mindful mothering

January 27, 2023

Firstly, if you’re visual and prefer to see the book covers I mention, or you want to listen while doing something else, you can find the corresponding posts on my podcast and YouTube channel.

I’ve been feeling the call to share my books lately. Here’s a list of books that have helped me find peace, validation and a slow, mindful approach. Some are not even parenting books per se, but have just captured my interest and impacted my life in some way.

Ikagai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life, by Héctor García & Francesca Miralles 

I’ve found this one helpful for navigating the fog of motherhood and the loss of identity. It’s not about motherhood or parenting per se, but a reminder for where you find purpose.

Badass Mums, by Sarah Firth

A great visual to have around the house. From Aretha Franklin to Patti Smith and Jacinda Arden. This book reminds me that we are constantly redefining what it means to be a Mum and what we can achieve even with all the things tacked up against us (e.g., lack of access to childcare, equal pay etc).

Keep Sane and Parent on, by Sarah Purvey

Sarah is a friend and Psychologist I went through uni with. Designed to read a page or two when you can, Sarah helps validate the overwhelm that is motherhood.

Beyond the sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way, by Mayim Bialik

This is one of my go-to books on attachment and gentle parenting. Mayim has a great way of explaining the neuroscience of attachment in a way that’s non-judgey and approachable.

Seeing ourselves: Women’s self-portraits, by Frances Borzello

A really interesting read about the absence of women in art history. Even if you don’t get to reading much of the text, it’s fun to look through the pictures and consider conversations you might have with your children later on about the original selfies.

Gentle birth, gentle mothering, by Sarah Buckley

Sarah’s work about the hormones of birth and postpartum blew my mind really. It was through Sarah that I learned your body naturally makes beta endorphins that can be more powerful than morphine. Whatever type of birth and postpartum you have, understanding the hormones of stress vs relaxation and how to access your own internal pharmacy is life changing in my opinion.

It didn’t start with you, by Mark Wolynn

Every parent needs a book on inherited family trauma and childhood wounding. Your children will trigger the absolute crap out you, no matter how strong you think you are. Learning to identify and handle your parenting triggers is the gift you can give to your own child.

The Postnatal Depletion Cure, by Oscar Serrallach

A gentle, holistic approach to explaining the season of postnatal and how it impacts our emotional and physical body. It was a sentence in this book about using social media less that had me want to expand on the idea with something practical.

The Montessori Toddler, by Simone Davies

Whether you resonate with any of the Montessori, Waldorf or other approaches I think it’s useful for any parent to have some tools for how to set up a peaceful, engaging play area. Paying close attention to what your child is interested in and trying to master means they will learn to play independently, focus better and develop creativity.

Plus, my own books!

More than a healthy baby: Finding Strength and Growth After Birth Trauma

My first book that I wrote after two traumatic births of my own. Pick up and put down, it’s loaded with information about birth trauma and how to cope.

Social Media Detox for Mums: A new way to find balance

This is my latest book. How often have you said something like “I should be on social media less” but haven’t had much success at sticking to it? Have we replaced relaxation with numbing and scrolling instead of true fun? I give a 5 step plan for how to reduce or quit socials in a way that’s kind and evidence based.

Also, the mango and macadamia smoothie (I’m drinking while recording this blog as part of the Mum as You Are podcast, and my YouTube channel) from the Global Vegan, by Ellie Bullen

Pre orders for my new book, Social Media Detox for Mums is open!

Booktopia (21% off)

Angus & Robertson (20% off)

Amazon Australia


Book Depository for UK/EUROPE

Get a copy of my birth trauma book: https://amzn.to/3cAuvfu

If you’d like to follow along my slow living journey on my YouTube channel 

I also send a weekly email and have old school-style pen pals rather than use social media 🙂

My Website: https://doctorerin.com.au/

Mental health courses I teach: https://doctorerin.com.au/shop

Inquiries: dr.erinbowe@gmail.com

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