Where you serve more by being yourself

Where you serve more by being yourself

To speed up, try slowing down :)
Soulful Strategy It's a unique, highly supportive course for health professionals who are exhausted from 1:1 work & are looking for a slower, burnout proof business. I teach passive income & what's possible beyond 1:1 sessions.

work on your self-growth & Business Growth in harmony

I'm in!

Soulful Strategy

I used to teach this as a 10 week mastermind and it just was never enough time. To really go slowly and build a like-minded community I decided to make this an on-demand evergreen course. 

A supportive course for Psychologists (and other health professionals!) who are sick of being shrinking violets and want to be tall poppies. To get seen by more people without doing more 1:1 work! It’s for professionals who are asking themselves: "Is my business a reflection of who I am and how I want to live, or a reaction to my visibility fears and a story about how I ‘should’ work?" In the last 10 years of supervising psychologists, these are the conversations that keep reappearing, so I decided it was time to put together a training!

Ready for your life to change?


People Come to Soulful Strategy When They Feel...

People Come to Soulful Strategy When They Feel...


Frustrated, stifled & squashed by the current healthcare system. That there's more to serving than constantly trying to squeeze in more 1:1 sessions.


Annoyed with 'hustle' culture & hyper masculine ideals about how you 'should' get up at 4AM to work on your business. 


Constricted - like they've been diming their light to fit in. Staying small & safe to keep the status quo.


Reactive - that their business is a reaction to what someone else wants instead of a true reflection of self.

“I overhauled my work life.”

"It was exactly the right thing for me to do at the place I was at. I stepped out of one role completely... something I know would have taken longer without the space to reflect"

— Lisa Ransome, psychologist

I've been there...

Events where the room, the food & the people felt cold!

Or where online learning felt so damn beige, with no personality, humour or style. I felt utterly afraid of being myself. To dare to discuss spirituality, art, music, play, holistic & alternative approaches. Feeling like the only way to earn more money was to become a workaholic zombie. 

So I created my own community. where helpers & healers could learn how to make global impact simply by being themselves.

Enriching professional AND personal growth. Adjusting your mindset about what work can look like. Letting go of the Impostor fears, the Narcissism fears and the Witch Wounds that dominate our industry.

soulful strategy

Get yourself some

We begin with a deep dive into mindset. Liken this to winter where we look at old wood we want to burn off so the new shoots can come through. Untested beliefs from Uni, old bosses & supervisors about money, visibility, & 'Narcissism' vs being a lighthouse.

Everything you need to know about how to AMPLIFY your voice, brand & essence to feel more like YOU. Learn the psychology of pricing & packages, & how to make money from serving globally with: writing + speaking gigs + mentoring + courses + retreats.  Choose a dream project & get started!

Here's How You'll Grow

Deep Dive on old Beliefs

Practical Skills Training 

phase 1: mindset

phase 2: skill up

The juicy part! Where people say "so, I'm thinking of quitting my job..." or "I got on camera" & "I'm writing a book..." Plenty of space to unpack & reflect. Slow, sustainable growth means strong roots. Do one thing  that terrifies & delights you! No matter how tiny. 

Reflect & Reset

Phase four: reflect

By now, you’ll have a roadmap. Your dream collaborations, events, courses, & packages for clients. You’ll action some steps in rebranding, killing off your darlings & taking at least once actionable step to creating something amazing, freeing & epic. 

Use the Roadmap

phase 3: Action


Mindset work on money & going beyond Medicare sessions, impostor & visibility fears.

How does this sound?

Translate your skills into coaching, retreats & groups.



the business of being yourself

Get paid to write & contribute while building your unique brand.


Amplify your voice for podcasts, media & speaking gigs. 


Make money by creating a course on a topic you can teach with your eyes closed. 


Yes, I'm in!

“A safe space for me to explore the intricate nooks and crannies of psycho-spirituality.”

- matilda

Kind words

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


A year from now, you'll look back & feel so glad you said YES!

So let's get you started!

10 modules of comprehensive training ($1760 value)

workbook & insider tools i use ($300 value)


1 payment of US $176

what you get

what you get

1 payment of US $176

A year from now, I SO look forward to you contacting me to say you've reduced your work hours, changed your work environment and have created something amazing. 

You've heard of a 'tree change' for your life, but what about your business? You don't have to feel this exhausted. 

A tight, like-minded community. My first round of the Soulful Strategy team have become close & all said that community was among the most valuable part of the course

You're in the right place.

“Remember When You Wanted What You Now Have?”

— Me, most days ;)

Grow your passive income. Learn how to create courses, books & other ways to make income even if you're sick or on holiday.

Attract dream clients where there is MUTUAL best fit. Align your branding to attract the ideal people.

Clearly articulate: Who you are, what you stand for, & how you work.

Have a clear actionable plan for how to scale your business WITHOUT increasing 1:1 your hours. 

Feel confident to be seen by a global audience & make HUGE impact

Stand taller, smile bigger & feel SEEN by a community who actually get you :)

By the end of this, you will...

sign me up!

Anyone who seeks her support won’t be disappointed and will obtain valuable skills to move forward and live the life they desire.

- Dr Jo Thorburn
clinical psychologist

“Erin’s enthusiasm is contagious.”

Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is.

- Sarah

“I mean, there are basically no words! My business has totally changed!”



I’m Dr Erin Bowe.

Clinical Psychologist, Author, Business Mentor, Course Creator, Educator, Supervisor, Podcaster, Mum (to tiny humans, dogs & chicken divas). Slight Overachiever.  brought good chocolate...

more about me

Hello there!

The glorification of 'busy'

When I was accepted into post grad I was so anxious about not being enough that I did nothing but study & work. I was SO proud of my ability to see 9 clients a day.  Until  the migraines and a small stroke kicked in. With all my pregnancies, I've had hyperemesis gravidarum, so in between vomiting 20 times a day and not sleeping, I simply couldn’t function to see clients.  My idea of 'work' had to change.  So I flipped my energy into building courses. I launched 4 courses in 12 months to an audience of over 2650 students. Instead of filling my day with clients, I garden, hula hoop, write & make a conscious choice to decide how I'll use my energy each day.

It's simply a decision to see things differently 

it wasn't always so zen in my world...

Soulful Strategy is unique because...

it's the opposite of rushing

Slow, sustainable growth means strong roots. I teach women to reject everything we’ve been taught about rushing, hustling and being too available. I love 1:1 work, but I also value time with my kids, my garden and my animals. YES I will encourage and support you to grow your business and build amazing content; but in your own time. I drop the tools in front of you, and you decide if+when+how you want to implement it. 

I encourage women to consider that you have one life. Is your business a reflection of what you value most in your day, or a reaction to what you think you should want? 

It's the missing link in supervision and professional development

Where else can you really dive deep on the psychology of how you show up in your business? Learning to fill in a business activity statement, file paperwork and discuss client cases is great; but you can learn that anywhere! What I'm offering is holistic coaching within community. A safe place to reflect on your personal and professional growth. Work with your shadow, impostor fears, and your 'omg I can't do that!' reactions to the notion of visibility. To question the messaging around how to work, how to attract clients and how to show up and take space (or not!) in the world. 

learn at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a  roadmap

The nudge to reflect on what you TRULY want.

Turn your dreams into plans. A vision without the confidence to action it simply stays in the realm of 'one day'. Supported reflection is the way you move the needle, and I'm regularly BLOWN AWAY with the changes my students make!

Secure knowing you have passive income growing

Freedom to be yourself - embracing all your quirks

Attracting your dream clients and working on projects that light you up.

Permission not to be useful all the time. To truly be able to rest & slow down. To feel open and expansive instead of restricted. 

Abundant. Waking to messages of gratitude from people you've helped from OCEANS way.

Aligned & balanced what you're wanting to create for your life each day. 

Imagine feeling...

i want this

This is for you if:

you have or want your own business

You work in high risk/acute/forensic fields

YOu want to work slowly but surely

YOU'RE looking for a quick win

you're open & ready for self-reflection

It's probably not for you if...

YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO self-reflect

Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

10 modules of comprehensive training ($1760 value)

workbook & insider tools i use ($300 value)


1 payment of US $176

what you get

what you get

What if I need more support beyond the self-paced learning?

sing out, and we can have a chat or you can email me dr.erinbowe@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm not into crystals & all that 'woo' stuff?

Talk to past member Lisa! So long as you are open-minded & respectful ('woo adjacent?') that's cool. 

What if I'm not a Psychologist?

The course is open to anyone in a 'health' business working with humans in a 1:1 capacity. 

Why is there no longer a monthly call?

People weren't using it! I may run the course 'live' again in future

What format is the course delivered in?

On demand videos, readings  & exercises in your members area 

How long do I have access?

You have access for the lifetime of the course. So long as I'm currently offering it, you can access it. No rush.

When does the course start and finish?

It's evergreen! You can start the course anytime and at your own pace

email me

Just send me an email and I'll do my best to help :)

Still have questions?